‘Dirty work’ but someone has to do it
Natasha Slutskaya gives a voice to London's bin workers in her research
These 12 stories celebrate a rich diversity of research at Sussex, all of which is making a difference – whether that’s changing perceptions, shaping policy and practice, or working in partnership to bring about positive change.
Natasha Slutskaya gives a voice to London's bin workers in her research
Winfried Hensinger says he will ‘change, bend or sometimes even break the rules’
Universities need to be what they’re meant to be – forces for progress, says Alison Phipps
Sri Subramanian is manipulating sound to revolutionise technology
Sandra Webb reveals how a Sussex researcher has helped her family to live with xeroderma pigmentosum
Gordon Harold refuses to accept that mental health issues are inevitable and unaddressable
Gail Davey aims to conquer podoconiosis in Ethiopia and beyond
Maya Unnithan is challenging mindsets to address inequalities and improve healthcare
Our International Junior Research Associate scheme gives Thanadol Sutantiwanickul new horizons
Hope Wolf sheds new light on the relevance of the movement to our lives today
Mika Peck explains why saving the brown-headed spider monkey is crucial for our planet
Dora Duka reveals how too much alcohol means a ‘lose-lose situation’