What's on

SHL Digital has an active programme of events to help nurture the next generation of researchers, and support colleagues gain new digital skills and engage with cutting edge research.

A termly Seminar Series of external speakers and Open Workshops, plus our Incubator Programme which aims at igniting conversations across campus to generate and develop new ideas and collaborations, open-door fortnightly research & technical surgeries, social events, and Research Forums open to all scholars.

We also run an annual Call for Project Proposals to provide seed funding for emerging ideas.


  • Autumn term seminar and workshop programme 2024 - 25 

    Our programme of events for the autumn term begins in October 2024, and details will be published here in due course. 

  • Incubator Programme 2024 - 25

    Research surgeries with the SHL Programme Manager are every other Monday, starting dates for 2024-25 TBC

    An opportunity to meet with Elena Dennison to chat informally about your research, bounce ideas, & ask questions. These sessions will be of interest to those working in SHL research areas, or those wanting to develop a research proposal within SHL’s remit.


    Online weekly surgery sessions with Research Software Engineer (RSE) Nic Seymour-Smith -Tuesdays 11 - 12pm

    These are informal sessions to talk to Nic about your research idea and your possible needs for software development. 

    No booking required. Simply log onto the zoom call, and wait your turn and find out how Nic’s expertise can help you and your project.



    Data Dates for 2024-25 TBC 

    Having “data” is one thing, knowing what is possible computationally is another! To help bridge this gap, the Sussex Digital Humanities Lab is hosting 3 data dates - simply bring your data to the session and speak to our team about the possible methodologies available.



    SHL Research Forums 2024 - 25 dates  (in person and on zoom):

    Mondays: 21 October, 2 December, 3 February, 7 April 


    The SHL Research Forum is a space for UoS researchers & potential research partners to develop research projects, as well as nourish our research community. Each month we welcome three or more speakers to share projects at different stages of development:

    1. Updates on current funded projects.
    2. Feedback on projects in planning for support during bid development and submission.
    3. Nourishing seeds of future projects through brainstorming ideas to help shape research funding bids.  


    SHL Lunches: Mondays, 1-2pm: dates for 2024 - 25:  21 October, 2 December, 3 February, 7 April 

    SHL invites you to join them in the Lab & garden (SB211 Silverstone building) for some light lunch & informal conversation around research interests and ideas. All are welcome.







Our Seminar series brings leading scholars from around the world to explore a diverse range of topics and disciplines. Seminars take place on selected Mondays in the Sussex Humanities Lab and are open to all.

Our Open Workshop series offers training in Digital Humanities tools and methods. Workshops are open to all staff and postgraduate students, with some places available to undergraduates and members of the public. Workshops are generally aimed at beginner and intermediate level, and focus on the research needs of the humanities and social sciences. 

Our Research Forum is a space for Sussex researchers and potential research partners to develop individual research projects, as well as nourishing our research community. At each forum we welcome three or more speakers to share projects at different stages of development:

  • Updates on current funded projects to keep the community informed;
  • Feedback on a project in planning to provide support during bid development and submission;
  • Brainstorming around initial seeds of ideas for future projects in order to shape research funding bids.

We also regularly hold one-off special research events as part of ongoing research projects. These bring together academics from all disciplines, creative practitioners, industry and all kinds of communities to participate in engaged, outward-facing dialogue and projects. In addition to this, we regularly host creative arts events including installations, performances and exhibitions.

You can find details of previous years’ programmes in our Directory of Past Events