Sussex Researcher School

New postgraduate researchers

Our website for new researchers is designed to help you navigate the early days of your research degree.

The new postgraduate researcher webpages provide all the information you need to get started, bringing together resources from the main Sussex website in addition to video interviews with Sussex postgraduate researchers and staff, sharing lots of advice on making the most of your time here.


PGR Induction events, September 2024

We are pleased to welcome all new PGRs to the Sussex Researcher School (formerly Doctoral School) in September 2024 

Our induction events will introduce some of the key services that support postgraduate researchers at Sussex, offering a chance to meet other new PGRs and get to know the research community, and providing a space to ask questions of experienced PGRs and staff who support researchers within Schools. 

You can see what September 2024's schedule looks like below.

While most of these events will be held in person, we know you may not be on campus in the first few weeks. For those of you who won't be able to join us, recordings and slides of the Sussex Researcher School Induction are added to . You will also find recordings and slides from induction events from previous years on 

Sussex Researcher School Induction

Monday 23 September 2024, 09.15-15.00, Conference Centre at Bramber House 

Are you starting your research degree at Sussex this Autumn? Join us for the Sussex Researcher School Induction and get a head start on your PGR journey.

The event is designed to be an informal way to find out more about the support available from teams across the University, start to think about the first stage of your research, a chance to ask questions and to connect with fellow researchers.

Registration, coffee and tea
Welcome Session

09.45-11.15, Terrace Room

This session will introduce you to the key parts within the ÄûÃÊÊÓƵ that can provide structure and support for you throughout your PGR studies. You’ll also learn more about the key source of structure and support, your supervisor/s, and how to ensure that your relationship is placed on a firm footing.

Starting Your Research Degree panel

11.20-12.45, Terrace Room & Gallery Room
Two parallel sessions, rooms assigned on the day

Make a successful start to your research degree with this panel discussion developed to prepare you for the journey ahead. Panellists will include Research and Enterprise Coordinators(REC) and Directors of Postgraduate Researchers(DPGR), who support PGRs within the Schools, alongside later-stage PGRs who can share their experiences of sitting where you are now! 

You'll have the opportunity to discuss your hopes and worries with other new researchers, then come together to put questions to the panel. We'll address issues such as managing your research, first year milestones, working with your supervisor, training and development, and dealing with any challenges that come your way.

Market Stalls and Lunch

12.45-13.30, Terrace Room & Gallery Room

Browse a selection of stalls from teams including the Library, English Language for Academic Study, Excursions postgraduate journal and the Students' Union. Find out about the various services around campus, chat to staff, and get to know other new researchers over food and refreshments.

Workshop on developing a Personal Development Plan

13.30-15.00, Terrace Room

An interactive workshop supported by the Researcher Development team, Library Research Support, and Careers and Enterpreneurship. The Personal Development Plan (also called a Training Needs Analysis) is a key document that you will revisit throughout your research degree. 

You'll learn about the concept, purpose and benefits of developing a PDP and have a go at writing your own, with help from your peers. The session will also provide suggestions for training and development during your PGR journey.

PGR Essentials
PGR Essentials: Introduction to the Library

Monday, 7 October, 2.00pm-3.00pm, Library Teaching Space

Thursday, 17 October, 1.00pm-2.00pm, online via Zoom 

One of the first things to do when you start your research degree is get to know your friendly local librarian! Find out about the collections and discovery tools you can access at Sussex, the tailored services available from the Research Support team, and the dedicated Hive study space for researchers.

PGR Essentials: Careers and Entrepreneurship

Thursday 3 October, 2.00pm-2.45pm, Library Teaching Space

This participative event promotes the University's Careers and Entrepreneurship services. You’ll find out how the Sussex Careers team supports researchers and explore various career destinations for PGRs, including setting up your own business or social enterprise. It's never too early to start thinking about what you're aiming for after your degree!

PGR Essentials: Introduction to Ethics

Tuesday 1 October, 11.00am-12.00pm, Library Teaching Space

Friday 11 October, 10.00-11.00am, online via Zoom 

You can not collect any new data from humans, animals, social media or conduct auto-ethnographic research without having received ethics approval beforehand, so at this early stage of your postgraduate research, it is essential to understand the ethics approval process.

This workshop will look at the key principles of undertaking ethical research, and explain how to go about obtaining ethical approval from the University's Ethics team. There will also be opportunities to consider some case studies, ask questions about your own work, and gain insights on how to embed good ethical practices in your research.

PGR Essentials: International Researchers Lunch

Monday 30 September, 11.30am-1.00pm, Quiet room at Meeting House

Whether you’re new to the UK or continuing your studies, this informal event is a chance to meet other international researchers and get advice from the Sussex Researcher School and Sussex's International Student Advisors, over lunch in one of the most iconic buildings on campus.

Later-stage PGRs and early career researchers will also be invited, giving you the chance to learn from their experiences as researchers new to the UK.



Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk