Sociology and Criminology

Sociology of Family, Reproduction & Care (Spr)

Module code: L2904B
Level 6
30 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar
Assessment modes: Portfolio

This module aims to provide an advanced critical understanding of theoretical and methodological approaches to studying family life. 

We'll examine the inter-related concepts of family, reproduction and care from an interdisciplinary social science perspective. We'll interrogate how lived experiences are shaped by policies, and consider how conceptualisations structure data collection and policies, and vice versa.

The key themes we'll discuss will include: 

  • households, kinship and changing/diversifying family forms
  • (in)fertility and assisted reproductive technologies
  • reproductive labour, care over the life course and inequalities
  • borders, migration and transnational families.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical approaches and understandings of family, reproduction and care, and how these are explicitly or implicitly applied in empirical research.
  • Systematically synthesise and analyse relevant empirical research and theories to formulate arguments.
  • Identify and critically evaluate conceptual ambiguities and their implications for policies and/or research and knowledge production.
  • Critique contemporary or historical social policies, legislation, political statements, media or social science disciplinary discourses relating to families, reproduction or care.