Sussex Estates and Facilities

Frequently asked questions

General enquiries

I've noticed a building fault that needs fixing, who do I contact?

If there is a maintenance issue in an academic building, contact the Service Centre on ext. 7777 (01273 87 7777 on mobile) who will log the report and ensure it is attended to. You will receive an e-mail with a Work Order number when the request has been logged, and a confirmation e-mail when the work is complete.

If the issue is in a residential building, contact the porter or the Building Manager for that accommodation. A list of residential Building Manager contacts can be found on our Residences page.

What do I do in the case of an emergency?

In the case of an emergency, call the Security Centre on ext. 3333 (01273 873333 on mobile). If you need to call 999, you must also inform Security that you have done so as they will need to escort the emergency vehicle to the incident site.

I've lost something belonging to me, what do I do?

Contact Security if you have lost any property on campus. Lost property from all buildings is moved to the Security Control Room, where it is retained in a locked cabinet for a period of time until claimed. Residential lost property may be retained in the local porter's office for up to 4 hours before being transferred to Security, so if you have lost an item in residences consider checking with your porter first.

Living on campus

Where do I find information on applying or living in campus accommodation?

All arrangements and applications for accommodation are handled by the Housing Services team, while SEF handles maintenance and cleaning. Consult the University's accommodation page for information on living on campus.

I've got a problem or need ad hoc cleaning in my room, who do I contact?

For residential maintenance and cleaning, contact either your porter or your Building Manager. Contact details can be found on our Residences page.

Who do I call if I have a problem out-of-hours?

There is a 24-hour Residential Reception at Bramber House you can contact on 01273 877777 for on-campus residences, or alternatively contact your porter for off-campus housing. If it is an emergency, call 01273 873333 if on-campus, or 999 if off-campus.

When and how often is my building cleaned?

Your cleaning rota can be found in your flat or house. For more information, contact your porter or Building Manager.

I'm expecting a delivery, where can I collect it?

All mail posted to individual residences will be collected by the porter, who will store it for you to collect. Please make sure to collect your post as soon as possible.

Academic buildings

I'm locked out of my office, what do I do?

If you need access to a building or a set of keys, contact the Service Centre or your Building Manager. We maintain a register of main and spare keys, and can order new keys if needed.

I need to have some furniture moved between two rooms, can I arrange for SEF to help?

If you need any heavy items or furniture moved across campus, contact the Service Centre. This includes facilitating office movements.


How are the campus grounds managed and maintained?

Our Grounds team maintains the premises all year round, which includes regularly cutting the grass, maintaining all pathways, clearing leaves and litter as required, and ensuring all sports grounds and pitches are maintained.

Our Grounds team also works to clear snow and grit ice during the winter seasons, both early in the morning and during the day as required. Consult our gritting priority map for information on how we plan to clear ice and snow.

How does the Grounds team consider the local environment in their work?

We promote good environmental practice in all aspects of working on the campus grounds, especially given the significance of the University's situation within the ecologically important South Downs area. This includes conservation projects such as tree and shrub planting and meadow creation, with careful consideration for indigenous species.

The use of pesticides and herbicides are kept to an absolute minimum with careful monitoring and reviewing of any chemicals used.


Where can I do my laundry on campus?

The main launderette is on Refectory Road between Swanborough Blocks two and three, open from 8am to midnight, seven days a week, to all students and staff. This includes service washes, which can be booked from 8am to 1pm on weekdays (cash only).

Many residences have their own washing machines within each flat. There are also a number of smaller self-service launderettes located at Lewes Court, Stanmer Court, East Slope and Northfield available only to residences at these locations. These are not available to individuals that do not live at these residences,

How do I use the machines?

All launderettes are managed by , an integrated system that handles the maintenance and operation of all washing machines in our launderettes. Circuit allows you to pay via PayPal or their app, which is available on all Apple and Android smartphones. The machines do still accept cash payments, however.

Who do I contact if I have an enquiry or a problem with the launderette?

If you have a problem either with the app or the machines themselves, contact Circuit on 01422 820360, or consult their .

Printing and reprographics (including ID cards)

I have an essay or a study pack I need to print, who do I contact?

You can contact the Print Unit by e-mail at PrintUnit@sef.fm, or call on 01273 678216. Consult our student price list for the current charges for different printing requests. The team are happy to discuss and guide you on the various print formats they can provide.

I've lost my ID card! What do I do?

Lost or damaged ID cards will be replaced with a charge of £10.00 per card, payable on collection. For any enquiries regarding ID cards, consult our ID cards page.


How can I contact Security?

You can call Security on ext. 8234 or 01273 678234, or speak to them in person at Bramber House reception. The Security Centre is open 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.

How does Security keep campus safe?

The Security Centre monitors campus with a staffed reception 24-hours a day, including regular patrols and CCTV across the site. Security also undertakes a weekly check of all emergency telephones and fire alarms, and ensures that all roads are made safe in the event of damage until their full repair. All Security staff are also trained in first aid. Consult our Security page for more details.

I would like a Security escort across campus, how do I arrange for this?

To arrange for a Security escort either around campus, or to and from Falmer station, contact the Service Centre on 01273 87 7777, or contact Security directly to discuss your request.


Due to the often changing circumstances around Transport on campus resulting from ongoing works, information on Transport will be frequently updated, and we therefore recommend consulting our Transport site.

For a thorough FAQ relating to parking on campus, consult our car parking FAQ page.

How can I get to campus from Brighton?

There are numerous routes to the University from Brighton, mostly running along the A270 connecting Brighton to Falmer. This includes dedicated cycle paths, numerous bus routes, and a train line from Brighton to Falmer station directly opposite campus.

You can plan a journey to the University using the .

Waste and Recycling

Where are the recycling bins on campus?

There are recycling facilities available across campus for nearly every building. Consult our recycling map for a full list of recycling bins on campus.

I have some dangerous or specialised waste that needs to be removed, who do I contact?

If you have any potentially hazardous waste that needs collecting, contact the Service Centre. This could include paints, oils, chemicals, toners, batteries, and other potentially dangerous materials.

When is the confidential waste in my office collected?

Since changing our supplier to Reef at the beginning of 2018, confidential waste is now collected depending on the requirements of each office, with more heavily used consoles emptied more frequently than others. If you believe your confidential waste consoles need to be emptied more regularly, contact the Service Centre.