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Kipling related books

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Book spines: Rudyard Kipling

A collection of books to compliment the papers relating to Rudyard Kipling, his family and his writing.

The collection comprises, amongst other things, works by Kipling, including the printed collections of his letters along with biographies and studies of Kipling and his family.

The collection also holds the completed series of the Kipling Journal produced by the Kipling Society.

Find the books on the Library catalogue

The books within this collection can be found on the Main Library catalogue and are denoted with the shelfmark location 'Special Collections:Kipling'.


This collection is available in the reference area of Special Collections for browisng and consultation and is not available for loan. All researchers will need to fill out an application for access form on their first visit. It is not always necessary to make an appointment to use these books but it might be advisable to do so if you are making a special trip in case seats are unavailable.


Books may be taken out for photocopying in the Library's public photocopiers for which copy cards must be purchased at the Library's Copy Centre. All books need to be signed out by a member of Special Collections staff before being removed from the Special Collections area.

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